Fringed Gentian (Gentiana elegana) (1933) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Fairy–bells (Disporum hookeri) (1933) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Winterberry (Ilex verticillata) (1920) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Flower Study (1883–1900)by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Lewis Monkey Flower (Mimulus lewisii) (1899) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Western Mountain Ash (Sorbus sambucifolia) (1918) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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California Poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) (1935) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Purple Pentstemon (Pentstemon lyallii) (1923) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Cannas and Cypress Vine (Canna species and Ipomoea quamoclit) (1877) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Wild Hyacinth (Brodiaea pulchella) (1927) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Virginia Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) (1920) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Fringed Gentian (Gentiana crinita) (1905) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Saltmarsh Rosegentian (Sabbatia stellaris) (1926) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) (1902) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Perennial Gaillardia (Gaillardia aristata) (1904) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Carolina Maple (Acer carolinianum) (1923) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Crossvine (Anisostichus capreolatus) (1925) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Group of Flowers (1881) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Skeleton Weed by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Goldenbowl Mariposa by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Scarlet Globe Mallow by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Matilija Poppy by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Slender Agoseris by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Lupine by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Quill Leaf Tillandsia by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Flower Study (1876–1878) by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Thistle by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Mexican Poppy by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Red Chokeberry by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Sweetbay by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Wild Sweet Crab by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Perennial Phlox by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Moss Campion by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Curly Clematis by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Large Purple Fringe by Mary Vaux Walcott
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Atamasco Lily by Mary Vaux Walcott
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